Dancing Cats Feline Health Center closed its doors on June 8, 2018.
Dancing Cats Feline Health Center closed its doors as a full-service veterinary clinic on June 8, 2018. Many thanks to our wonderful clients and beautiful patients for 14 years of kitty bliss!

To request a copy of your records sent to another veterinarian or to you, e-mail [email protected]. Records are kept for seven years, then shredded.
If you have not registered your AVID Microchip under your name please do so by calling (800)336-2843 or going to the website AvidID.com.
If your cat gets lost and someone finds it, that person will call AVID (the chip maker). AVID will call the current number for Dancing Cats Feline Health Center, then a representative of DCFHC will call you. I recommend bypassing this process by directly registering with AVID. This will ensure a quick return if your cat gets lost.
If you are a current client of Senior Cat Housecalls, PLLC, you can order food, medications, fluids, etc. from our on-line store. You can access the store from our website dancingcatsvet.com (hit the pharmacy button in the green rectangle on the top of this page) or from our storefront URL: https://dancingcatsvet.vetsfirstchoice.com. I will not be able to authorize prescriptions if I haven't seen your cat within the past two years.

Feline Consultations
Feline consultations are available by e-mailing a request to [email protected]. Please list your name, phone number, patient, patient's age, and questions you have. I will get back to you as soon as possible. NOTE: if you have an emergency please go to the nearest emergency clinic; do not wait for a consultation.
The charge for a consult varies from $40 for an uncomplicated 15 to 20-minute consult upwards. There is an additional charge for reviewing records and bloodwork from your current veterinarian depending on how long it takes to review. I cannot, however, diagnose or prescribe medications over the phone.
Feline consultations are available by e-mailing a request to [email protected]. Please list your name, phone number, patient, patient's age, and questions you have. I will get back to you as soon as possible. NOTE: if you have an emergency please go to the nearest emergency clinic; do not wait for a consultation.
The charge for a consult varies from $40 for an uncomplicated 15 to 20-minute consult upwards. There is an additional charge for reviewing records and bloodwork from your current veterinarian depending on how long it takes to review. I cannot, however, diagnose or prescribe medications over the phone.